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M-AUDIO Oxygen PRO 25 (rozpakowane)

Keyboard USB/MIDI | HN236779

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Opis w języku polskim aktualnie niedostępny. Możesz przeczytać opis w języku angielskim.
The Oxygen Pro 25 is a powerful, 25-key USB powered MIDI controller that allows you to create the music you want to make even easier! The new Oxygen Pro controllers open up worlds of expression and creativity and make bringing your production ideas to life more seamless than ever. Taking feedback from users and artists alike, these controllers are the ultimate studio and live performance tools, allowing you to keep your focus on creating music—not programming your software. It doesn’t matter if you want to create music on the go or in the studio, the M-Audio Oxygen Pro series is perfectly flexible for your workflow.

Seamless DAW & Performance Control with Auto-Mapping

It's simple to use the Oxygen Pro 25 controller with any DAW with the Oxygen Pro 25'’'s automatically mapped controls such as Transport, Faders, Channel Controls (Record Arm, Solo, Mute, and Select), Pan controls and more. Whether you use Pro Tools, MPC Beats, Cubase, Logic, Studio One or any other major DAW, just select the map in the list and Auto-Mapping will take care of the rest! It also instantly maps to all the virtual instruments included with the Oxygen Pro 25 (Velvet, Mini Grand, Vacuum, Boom, DB33, Xpand!2). These world-class Air Music Tech plugins can be fully controlled by the Oxygen Pro 25 and used in real-time as you create and mix your music.

Smart Controls

With Smart Chord and Smart Scale technology, creating music and transferring what’s in your imagination to what you hear coming out of your computer has never been easier!

With Smart Chord activated, pressing a single key or pad will play a full chord rather than just one note. The key or pad you press will determine the root note in the chord. The rest of the chord’s properties (Major, Minor, and Voicing – 1,3,5; 1,3,7; 1,3,5,7, etc.) are determined by the settings you choose. Smart Chord also has a Custom Mode which lets you to determine the chord structure that will be assigned to each key by manually playing it. For example, if you select Custom Mode, and play a 1-b3-5-b7 chord, every key will then be assigned to play this chord structure. The note of the key you press will serve as the root of the chord and all of the parameters can be edited right on the Oxygen Pro 25!

The Oxygen Pro 25 also features intelligent Smart Scale technology. With Smart Scale, you can set the key bed so that only notes in the selected scale are able to be played. This allows you to play within a chosen scale without the risk of playing any “wrong” notes. You can choose from 16 different scale variations when assigning a scale to the keyboard. Smart Scale is easy to activate and deactivate and allows you to set the scale parameters you need to keep you focused on creating.

Professional Producer Features

Built into the Oxygen Pro 25 are features that are essential to creating modern day pop, electronic, hip hop, and dance music. Note Repeat and the built-in Arpeggiator open up a world of precise music production and live sound techniques to make your music sound professional.

Note Repeat allows you to hold down any of the custom-made M-Audio performance pads and you’ll hear a repeated rhythmic pattern at a selectable note division. The Note Repeat feature can be activated momentarily or can be used in Latch mode. If you choose Momentary, holding the Note Repeat button will make the note played by the pad automatically repeat. If you choose Latch, pressing any pad will cause its assigned note to repeat without you having to hold down the Note Repeat button.

The built-in Arpeggiator Arpeggiator will affect anything you are playing on the keys from any virtual instrument in your DAW. When the Arpeggiator is activated, the keyboard will repeatedly play the pressed keys in sequence. The arpeggiator’s timing and rhythm is based on the keyboard’s time division setting and either the keyboard’s or your DAW’s tempo setting. Each note in the arpeggio will be the length you’ve selected for the time division setting; for example, if you select 1/4, each note in the arpeggio will be a quarter note. This powerful tool can operate in Latch or Momentary mode, making it easy to unleash your creativity.

Next-Gen Playability

With great feel in a lightweight chassis, the Oxygen Pro 25 controller provides a new level of creative inspiration. The M-Audio PrecisionTouch key bed combines professional semi-weighted action with advanced high-speed key bed scanning technology for an ultra-expressive playing experience. This custom key bed also features Channel Aftertouch, giving users added expression and control. Channel Aftertouch enables you to affect the sound of a virtual instrument plugin by continuously scanning how much pressure you apply to any key after initially pressing it. This makes creating the mood, dynamics and emotion you want to deliver in your music natural and fast.


  • Liczba klawiszy: 25
  • Wielkość klawiszy: Standardowe
  • Klawiatura: N/A
  • Typ klawiatury: Półważona z aftertouch
  • Powierzchnia klawiatury: Gładka
  • Praca na baterie: Nie
  • Wejścia: Jack 6,3 mm TS - Sustain pedál
  • Wyjścia: MIDI Out
  • Kolor: Czarny
  • Oprogramowanie: MPC Beats, Ableto Live Lite, Pro Tools First
  • USB midi: Tak
  • Szerokość: 490 mm
  • Głębokość: 264 mm
  • Wysokość: 84 mm
  • Masa: 2,46 kg
  • Zasilacz w komplecie: Nie
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