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Czech Quality


Dwunastostrunowa gitara akustyczna | HN185010

Produktu nie ma już w sprzedaży

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Opis w języku polskim aktualnie niedostępny. Możesz przeczytać opis w języku angielskim.
• High-quality acoustic guitar made from carefully select solid woods.

• Proprietary design features and production technologies, including soundboard voicing, the revolutionary Furch CNR System® neck joint, and Open-Pore Finish.

• Refined warm appearance featuring a rosette with a black walnut inlay, and artificial tortoise pickguard and body binding.

Furch Blue CM guitar is our most affordable solid-wood instrument. The soundboard is made from high-grade western red cedar, and the back and sides feature high-quality African mahogany. Open-Pore Finish leaves wood pores exposed, which preserves the natural acoustic properties of tonewoods. The combination of these high-quality solid tonewoods and finish produces a beautiful musical sound across the entire tonal range with slightly pronounced lows.

• Unique voicing process

The premium nature of Furch Blue CM guitar is underscored by the fact that the soundboard is individually tuned using the voicing process, which enhances the guitar’s tonal properties to the highest level. Thanks to that, Furch Blue CM guitar has a crystalline clear, harmonically rich, balanced, and highly dynamic sound across the entire tonal spectrum.

• Open-Pore Finish

Furch Blue CM guitar features Open-Pore Finish, a special thin finish that promotes the natural sonic qualities of tonewoods and provides an excellent level of surface protection. The finish accentuates low frequencies and produces a natural woody sound.

• Stylish binding

The guitar owes its attractive natural appearance to binding made from artificial tortoise.

• Furch CNR System® Neck Design

A high precision, dual-action truss rod maintains neck stability and allows for fine adjustment of the neck relief, bilaterally. The truss rod is housed in a highly rigid carbon casing which enables a very smooth and controlled neck relief, ensuring the best playability and enduring optimal setup.

A fully adjustable dual-action truss rod for highly precise adjustment of the neck bow in both the convex and concave directions. A highly rigid carbon casing that maintains the neck in the set position over a period much longer than is the case with standard neck joint designs and, at the same time, facilitates a gradual bow in the neck, a factor of essential importance for playability. A casting made of special alloy located inside the neck heel that ensures a stable position of the neck and its angle vis-?-vis the body.

• Tortoise pickguard

Furch Blue CM guitar is protected by a artificial tortoise pickguard, which has been redesigned by the addition of a transparent extension toward the soundhole. This pickguard shape provides better soundboard protection without disrupting the rosette pattern.

• Rosette made from black walnut

The soundhole is adorned by a rosette featuring a double ring with black walnut inlay.

• Excellent playability

The fingerboard is made from high-quality ebony and features buffed frets, which allows for high playing comfort.

Furch 12-string models offer a very rich and full sound and feature an extra string that doubles the six strings of a regular guitar. The extra strings for the low E, A, D, and G strings have a lighter gauge and are tuned one octave higher, whereas the B and high E strings are doubled by strings with the same gauge that are tuned to the same pitch.

Proprietary string attachment

Because the angle at which each string passes over the saddle has a considerable effect on the sound, the angle must be the same for all of the strings. The solution typically used on 12-string guitars, which uses two rows of six standard bridge pins, cannot achieve this because the angle at which the strings pass over the bridge is different for each of the two rows. Our proprietary solution features each of the main strings attached with a standard bridge pin, while each of the extra strings passes through a channel from the rear end of the bridge to a point behind the saddle that ensures that the string crosses the saddle at the same angle as the main string. This way, the string break angle is the same for each string, which translates into uniform resonance properties for all 12 strings.


  • Kolor producenta: Natural
  • Kolor: Natural
  • Wykończenie: Open Pore
  • Typ: Dreadnought
  • Wykrojony otwór: Nie
  • Korpus: Cały z litego drewna
  • Płyta przednia: Cedr-lite drewno
  • Płyta tylna: Mahoń-lite drewno
  • Boki: Mahoń-lite drewno
  • Szyjka: Mahoń
  • Menzura: 650 mm
  • Ilość progów: 20
  • Rozmiar prógu zerowego: 48 mm
  • Gryf: Heban
  • Próg zerowy: TusQ
  • Przetwornik: Nie
  • Model elektroniczny: N/A
  • Sterowanie: N/A
  • Tuner zintegrowany: Nie
  • Tunery: Furch Machine
  • Hardware: Chrom
  • Futerał: Nie
  • Pokrowiec: Nie
  • Kraj pochodzenia: Republika Czeska
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