WyprzedażPrzenośne cyfrowe pianino sceniczne / HN191024
Nord Piano 4
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The fourth generation of our award-winning Piano series combines greatly expanded voice polyphony, a premium Triple Sensor keybed and our acclaimed Virtual Hammer Action Technology for the ultimate piano experience.
The Nord Piano 4 also includes brilliant new performance features like Seamless Transitions, dedicated Piano Filters and Split Point Crossfades delivering a live focused keyboard with exceptional piano feel.
• 88-note Triple Sensor keybed with grand weighted action
• Nord Virtual Hammer Action Technology
• Seamless Transitions NEW
• Layer and Split with Split Point crossfades NEW
• OLED display excellent overview
• Enhanced Organize Mode NEW
• Numeric Pad for direct Program access NEW
Piano Section
• Greatly expanded Polyphony (120 voices) NEW
• Creative Piano Filters NEW
• 1 GB memory for Nord Piano Library
• 3 Dynamic Curves
• Dynamic Pedal Noise with Nord Triple Pedal (included)
• Advanced String Resonance
• Soft Release
Sample Synth
• Greatly expanded Polyphony NEW
• 512 MB Memory for Nord Sample Library 3.0 NEW
• Dedicated Sample Synth section with Attack, Decay/Release and dynamic controls
• High quality stereo effects modelled after classic stomp boxes
• Reverb with Bright Mode NEW
The Nord Piano 4 has dedicated knobs and buttons for all essential functions required in a live performance situation. Transposing, setting up a split point or creating a layered sound can be accomplished in seconds.
Seamless Transitions
The Nord Piano 4 features seamless transitions when changing sounds or programs while playing.
Layers and advanced Split Point functionality
The Nord Piano 4 features two sound sections that can be combined in a layer or split over the keyboard. Each of the sound sections can have specific effects, Volume Pedal and/or Sustain Pedal assigned to them. The Piano 4 has 7 Split Points indicated with LED lights and the new Split Point Crossfade functionality, introduced with the Stage 3, offers smooth transitions between two split zones. Choose from 3 different crossfade widths (Small, Large or Off) as indicated by different LED colors.
Refined Program Section
The enhanced Organize mode includes Copy/Paste and Move functionality for quickly rearranging your Programs to your desired order and a new Page View lets you easily sort and organize pages as a song list. All Programs, Pianos and Synth Samples can be easily navigated using the new uniform List View that offers alphabetical, numerical and category sorting options.
An optional new Numeric Pad Mode gives you instant access to Programs by entering the Program number.
The enhanced Piano section features a broad selection of our latest acoustic, electric and digital pianos from the exclusive Nord Piano Library, greatly expanded voice polyphony and creative new Piano Filters.
Factory Bank
The Nord Piano 4 factory bank contains our latest Grands, Uprights, Electric Pianos and Digital Pianos from the exclusive Nord Piano Library - all handpicked for their unique characters! Nord’s state-of-the-art sampling techniques capture the extraordinary nuances and real character of the source instruments with breathtaking realism.
All sounds can easily be replaced using the Nord Sound Manager. Our exclusive Nord Piano Library is constantly updated with new unique world class sounds, and always free of charge.
Advanced String Resonance
Our unique Advanced String Resonance reproduces the intricate interplay of piano strings resonating at their fundamental or harmonic frequencies when other notes are played on our Upright and Grand piano sounds.
Creative Piano Filters
Providing an additional level of sonic control, the Piano Section now features dedicated piano filters for accentuating softness, mid or brilliance.
Virtual Hammer Action Technology
The exclusive Virtual Hammer Action Technology, introduced with Nord Piano 3, simulates the hammer movements in a Grand Piano delivering outstanding authenticity and dynamic response. The Triple Sensor keybed allows key movements to be determined with stunning precision. The result is a keyboard action that handles dynamic playing with amazing control at any velocity level.
The Nord Virtual Hammer Action Technology enables you to produce a new note without lifting the key completely. This allows for smoother repetitions as the tone is not completely dampened between the strokes, similar to the fluent transitions possible on a Grand Piano.
Extended Triggering Range
The new keyboard technology makes both top and bottom triggering possible, resulting in amazing control when playing percussively as well as pianissimo with the keys half-pressed down.
The keybed has added weight for improved dynamic control providing authentic Piano touch and feel. The individual Fatar keybeds are meticulously calibrated at the Nord factory to ensure an even response over the whole range.
Nord Triple Pedal with Dynamic Pedal Noise
The included Nord Triple Pedal includes Soft and Sostenuto Pedals in addition to a unique Dynamic Sustain Pedal. The Triple Pedal also enables our Pedal Noise feature that dynamically simulates the mechanical sounds of lifting and releasing the damper mechanism.
Soft Release
A Soft Release-mode adds a slightly longer release, more suitable for legato playing, emulating a looser damper tension in an acoustic or an electromechanical instrument.
Dynamic Curves
3 dynamic curves are available to suit your playing style, from soft to hard.
The Sample Synth Section features expanded memory for the Nord Sample Library 3.0 and extended voice polyphony.
The Sample Synth Section contains a great selection of high quality sounds from the Nord Sample Library 3.0 including the exclusively licensed sounds of the legendary Mellotron and Chamberlin. All sounds can be quickly replaced using the Nord Sound Manager.
The Sample Synth is equipped with essential controls for attack, decay/release and dynamics (filter/velocity). A unique Nord feature allows you to create your own samples using the free Nord Sample Editor software for WIndows and Mac.
The Effect section features a great selection of instantly tweakable high quality stereo effects modelled after classic stomp boxes. All effects can be assigned freely to the Piano or Sample Synth section.
• Effects 1 - Pan, Tremolo,Panel Effects
• Wah-wah and Ring Modulator. All effects can be controlled with a Control Pedal.
• Effects 2 - Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, a new Vibe effect and two selectable depths for each effect.
• Delay - Stereo delay effect with Tap Tempo button
• Equalizer - Three band EQ, with sweepable mid
• Compressor/Amp - Twin, JC, Small, Compressor and a new Tube Overdrive effect.
• Master Effects
Reverb with three modes - Room, Stage, Hall each with a Bright option.
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30 dni na wypróbowanie
Może zdarzyć się, że pomimo rozważnego wyboru, instrument nie spełni Twoich oczekiwań. Chcemy, byś z zakupionego u nas instrumentu był zadowolony w 100%, dlatego dajemy Ci możliwość zwrotu towaru do 30 dni od zakupu. W ten sposób zyskujesz pewność, że na Kytary.pl wybierzesz instrument, który skradnie Twoje serce. W przypadku towarów zakupionych od 1 listopada do 24 grudnia oferujemy możliwość ich wymiany na inne towary do 31 stycznia następnego roku. Więcej informacji tutaj.
W przypadku zwrotu towaru zapłacimy za jego transport
Naszym celem jest, abyś mógł maksymalnie skupić się na swojej muzyce. Jeśli zdecydujesz się na zwrot zakupionego towaru lub jego wymianę, w ciągu pierwszych 14 dni od otrzymania przesyłki zapewnimy jego odbiór na nasz koszt. Wystarczy, że skontaktujesz się z nami pod adresem e-mail . Z tej usługi można skorzystać raz na 90 dni. W ciągu pozostałych 16 dni możesz zwrócić nam towar na koszt własny. Skup się na istotnych kwestiach, resztą zajmiemy się my. Więcej informacji tutaj.
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Każdy zakup, którego dokonasz w sklepie internetowym Kytary.pl, przyniesie Ci nie tylko ogromną radość, ale również bonus kliencki, naliczony na Twoim koncie klienta. Kwota dowolnego kolejnego zamówienia będzie mogła zostać pomniejszona za pomocą tego bonusu. Przy zakupie na Kytary.pl zyskasz zawsze coś więcej. Więcej informacji tutaj.
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